Michael Vassiliadis

President of the Industrial Union of Mining, Chemical and Energy (IG BCE) since October 2009 and president of the IndustriAll European trade union since May 2012. Born at the 13th March 1964 in Essen.
From 1983 to 1986 as Chemistry laboratory technican at the Bayer AG in Dormagen actively. Numerous honorary functions in the industrial union chemistry paper ceramic (IGCPK) on local, land and federal level. Since 1986 full-time work first as a secretary of the IG CPK administration office Leverkusen; starting from 1990 in the district Nordrhein-Westfalen with different responsibilities; from 1994 to 1997 director of the local unit in Leverkusen; 1997 secretary of the Board and director of the department of chairmen/human resources of the IG BCE in Hannover. Since March 2004 member acting IG BCE board.
Supervisory board vice chairman Kuratorium RAG Stiftung and RAG AG, member of the supervisory board of the BASF SE, Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, STEAG GmbH. Since 1980 member of the IG BCE. Since 1981 member of the SPD.